Haderslev 1

A walk through Haderslev

En gåtur gennem Haderslev

Storegade in Haderslev

Storegade in Haderslev

A statue on Storegade, Haderslev

Elke buying something at Tiger

The B&O store in Haderslev

Bispebroen in Haderslev; The tree was planted by Oluf's great-grandfather

Bispebroen in Haderslev; The tree was planted by Oluf's great-grandfather

The "inner" pond of Haderslev

Pedalboats on the "inner pond" in Haderslev

The "inner" pond of Haderslev

The "inner" pond of Haderslev

The library and cathedral in Haderslev

The cathedral in Haderslev

The library in Haderslev, seen from the pond

Bispebroen in Haderslev

Bispegade in Haderslev; pedestrians only

The cathedral

Nørregade near the cathedral

Slotsgade near the cathedral

The cathedral; seen from Nørregade

Gravene; the tree was planted by Oluf's great-grandfather

Gravene; the tree was planted by Oluf's great-grandfather

Gravene; the tree was planted by Oluf's great-grandfather

Nørregade with part of the cathedral

The watertower in the distance

The watertower in the distance

Elke's car (NX 51 504) by a red mailbox

Gas prices in DKK per liter; a bus

View of the cathedral

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Skin: LotsaThumbs by Oluf Nissen (based on Formal by FriskySoul)